Bringing knowledge from Timberlane PT over the globe.

I was especially busy this fall and winter.  As many of you know, over the years, I developed a strong personal interest and expertise in helping treat lymphedema and other complications that arise following mastectomies or lumpectomies, and have been recognized internationally in this critical sub-specialty related to post-breast cancer surgery. In September, 2017, I was invited to be the keynote speaker for the Japanese National Lymphedema Conference in Osaka Japan. During my trip, I had the opportunity to travel to five other Japanese cities and present my clinical experiences and treatment recommendations to a variety of healthcare professionals. The following month, In October , I took another overseas flight – this time to attend the International Society of Lymphedema Conference in Barcelona, Spain to share expertise with  Dr. Tobias Bertsch, Senior Physician for the Földi Clinic Hinterzarten, European Centre for Lymphology, in Germany, a world-renowned reference clinic for patients [...]

By |2022-08-21T19:03:31+05:00August 1st, 2018|Physical Therapy|0 Comments

Functional Movement Screens Can Help Avoid Spring Sports Injuries

Athletes, especially non-elite recreational athletes (most of us!) usually take their movements for granted and rarely consider how their movements during exercising impacts performance. After years of similar workouts, athletes incorrect movement patterns become habitual, and just because you've been doing something for years, doesn't make it right.  Incorrect movement patterns are often the reason behind stagnant performance. They put a ceiling on your potential. Even worse, incorrect movements often typically performed contribute to injury. Those of us who are "injury prone" often move incorrectly. Strength and flexibility exercises sometimes are just not enough. A Functional Movement Screen (FMS) can make all the difference. An FMS assesses a wide variety of interconnected body movements and evaluates an athletes' musculoskeletal system in action. AnFMS not only helps athletes maximize their performance, but it also objectively determines when an injured athlete can safely return to a sport with a low risk of [...]

By |2022-08-21T19:03:41+05:00May 1st, 2018|FMS|0 Comments
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