Take A Hike

Hiking has become a very popular way to improve overall health and enjoy the great outdoors, and it’s easy to maintain social distance! Here in Vermont, there are endless options ranging from easy strolls in the woods to half or full day more strenuous hikes. Hiking is a great workout option and the rewards are endless but can include: decreased stress, improved mood and well-being, reduced risk of heart disease, lowering blood pressure, improved bone density, https://www.cymplstudios.com/cymbalta-quality/ improved weight control, and connecting oneself with nature, friends, and family. Keep these 10 things in mind when starting to hike: Research the area and trail before you head out. Make sure it matches your current level of fitness and capability. There are many apps, books, trail guides, websites, and social media groups available for reference. Hike with a friend. Hiking with a partner is a safe and fun way to stay connected [...]